Experience God's Wisdom each day as you are lead by the Holy Spirit. Walk effortlessly into success and happiness and understand the Father's love for you.
Jesus came and fulfilled the laws, the only one who could keep the laws so that in Him we can be made righteous and not have to suffer death for our sins.
It may sound good to Mankind to be self-occupied. But God wants you to be Christ-Occupied and receive all of your blessings through resting in the work of Jesus.
March 1,The First Lord’s Table Meeting of the Church in Zagreb, Croatia. Praise the Lord!
2月23日,汉堡召会恢复主日擘饼。来自德国,欧洲,台湾及其他国家的圣徒共450多位一起见证这荣耀的时刻! On February 23, the church in Hamburg resumed the Lord’s Table meeting. More than 450 saints from Germany, Europe, Taiwan, and other countries gathered to witness this glorious moment.
详情查阅→The world says that blood and sweat equals success. But we can rest in Jesus' finished work at the cross because of His blood, sweat, tears...
When we rest in the Lord and draw from His Word every day, we have the confidence in knowing our Father has already opened doors...
Through these he has given us his very great and precious promises, so that through them you may participate in the divine nature...